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Tournament Finals 2024 - Results

Backwell Club Tournament Finals took place on 14th and 15th September.  On Saturday, we organised an American Doubles tournament to get league and club players involved in a fun and competitive tournament.

Sunday saw the finals of the club tournament with 18 finals in total across the juniors and adults. We saw some impressive and high standards of tennis played throughout the day, with many of the finals being close fought matches. 

We witnessed one of the longest junior matches in the U14 singles, with a nail biting finish with a championship tie break as the decider, the final result was 17-15!!  Well done to all those that made the finals and making the day enjoyable and entertaining.


 Action Photos 


Mens Singles

Winner - Joe Wild
Runner-up - Ben Pope

P1088622 Men's Finalists & Ballboys 

P1088525 Mens Singles Winner - Joe (R) with Runner-up, Ben (L) 


Womens Singles

Winner - Hannah Payne
Runner-up - Jude Barker

P1088576 Womens Singles Finalists, Hannah (R) and Jude (L) 

P1100526 Singles Winners - Joe and Hannah 


Mens Doubles

Winners -  Joe Wild & Ben Kirkley
Runners-up - Stuart Beaver & Lawrence Paul

P1088647 Mens Doubles Winners - Joe & Ben 


P1088647 Mens Doubles Runners-up - Stuart & Lawrence 


Womens Doubles

Winners - Zoe Fearnley & Jude Barker
Runners-up - Sally Keattch & Lucy Holland

P1099481 Womens Doubles Finalists, (L to R) Sally, Jude, Zoe, Lucy 


Mixed Doubles

Winners - Jude Barker & Ben Kirkley
Runners-up - Julie & Joe Wild

P1100500 Mixed Doubles Finalists (L to R) Jude, Ben, Joe, Julie 


10U Singles

Winner - Aaron
Runner-up - Benji

P1088525 10U Winner 


11U Singles

Winner - Casper
Runner-up - Ilya

image00010 (2) 11U Singles Finalists 


11U Doubles

Winners - Thomas C & Sonny
Runners-up - Ilya & Thomas P

image00010 (2) 11U Doubles Finalists 


12U Singles

Winner - Thomas C
Runner-up - Jimmy

image00010 (2)12U Singles Finalists 


14U Boys Singles

Winners - Arthur
Runners-up - Jack

image00010 (2) 14U Boys Singles Finalists 


14U Doubles

Winners - Brandon & Sam
Runners-up - Arthur & Jack 

image00010 (2) 14U Doubles Finalists 


16U Singles

Winner - Vitto
Runner-up - Nikita

image00010 (2) 16U SIngles Finalists 


16U Doubles

Winners - Nikita & Brandon
Runners-up - Vitto & Kasim

image00010 (2) 16U Doubles Finalists 


18U Singles

Winner - Vitto
Runner-up - Joe

image00010 (2) 18U SIngles Finalists 


Plate Womens Singles

Winner - Hayley Evans
Runner-up - Jenny Paul

image00010 (2) Plate Womes Singles Finalists 


Plate Mens Singles

Winner - Kaysan Malik
Runner-up - Mihailo Rnic

image00010 (2) Plate Mens Singles 


Plate Mixed Doubles

Winners - Rachael Walker & Nick Bloom
Runners-up - Lucy Smith & Tim Danson

image00010 (2) Plate Mixed Doubles Finalists 


Plate Mens Doubles

Winners - Nick Bloom & Jimmy Harwood
Runners-up - Vitto Cannata & Kasim Malik

image00010 (2) Plate Mens Doubles Finalists